The miracle of recovery is something that should be celebrated every second of every day. And while you might have your own rituals of gratitude and celebration for what you’ve accomplished, the fellowships also take time to formally recognize the sobriety and clean time achievements of our members.
The specifics of the celebrations will vary depending on your fellowship and home group. Some groups call them “birthdays;” others, “anniversaries.” Some groups only celebrate each year, while others have different milestones that they mark. You might get a chip on your big day, or a keychain, or a cake.
But like all aspects of the Twelve Steps process, although the structure may look different at times, the intent remains the same.
Taking time out from a meeting to celebrate people who have achieved varying lengths of recovery is an essential part of our group recovery process.
For the individual celebrating, it’s a milestone to work towards: one more reason, however small, not to pick up.
For the people helping to celebrate, birthdays and “annis” can have two purposes: One, seeing someone achieve more time than you have gives you something to work towards, and is proof that the program works if you work it. On the other hand, seeing someone take a cake or a chip for a length of time you passed long ago reminds you to be grateful, humble, and appreciate how far you’ve come – and how far you’ve still got to go.
No matter how your group recognizes its member’s achievements, it’s important to remember that recovery deserves to be celebrated, one day at a time.
Find out how you can get on the path to marking recovery milestones! Call us today.